Thursday, March 02, 2006

I spent most of the night volunteering for a candidate for Governor. You know, those calls you get at dinner time when someone reads a script to you and even if you're sympathetic you want to hang up? That's what I was doing. People were, in fact, almost all very friendly and I had several nice conversations. In fact I talked to almost twenty people in eighty calls which is a pretty good success rate.

I said I would help the campaign with "internet stuff" too. I did the web stuff for a valiant but unsuccessful campaign five years ago and learned a lot.

I started my online course on project management. I quickly found myself spacing out so I decided to take notes as I went along, especially since I think I have to pass the test to pass the course. Taking notes makes it go slower but maybe I'll learn something.

I also was part of a one hour training on one of the core systems that our primary product uses. People in my group have been very successful lately in convincing members of other groups to do sessions explaining various important products.

My projects are sloooowing down. I've cancelled my quality meetings this week for all except one of them because we had no release dates and no clear direction. The project that's rushing ahead toward release has to have all new dates calculated and we can't do any test planning until then.

When it's slow I set up one-on-one and small group meetings where I can talk to different people on the project about what they're doing so I can understand things better. I did one meeting today and learned quite a bit about the plans of the principal development group.


Blogger sherzy said...

Still waiting on Olympics part 3...

1:32 PM  

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