[Name Deleted]: Stop writing about Internet Broadcasting.
That was the comment someone made to my last entry on Widgets and mentoring at my new job. They put my first and last names at the beginning but neglected to give their name. C'mon, tell me who you are and why it makes a difference what I write.
(BTW, I deleted the comment. If the person wants to sign a comment with both names they can use both of mine.)
Why do I continue to write about Widgets, a place I left almost a year ago?
1) I have many friends there, some of which I see or talk to on a regular basis. They tell me interesting things and sometimes I want to comment on those things. It's a free country...well, mostly...for now.
2) I am a major Widgets stockholder...well, a minor stockholder...okay, I've got a few shares so I'm interested in what happens there. Like, what's the mission of the company these days and how will it lead to growth of the value of my shares (which I think are actually worthless)? How are operations being aligned to more adequately handle the constant-urgent needs of the customers? Are employees being compensated fairly and motivated to increase their productivity through incentive schemes? Are they being trained to handle their current jobs and their next career opportunity?
3) I like writing about Widgets as a example of a workplace with great potential for good because of the quality of the people.
4) Some of the many Widgets expatriates read my blog for company news. I can't let those lucky folks down.
Note that I also write about Not Big Blue, my former workplace that completed yet another major round of layoffs this spring/summer. A new employee in my current group just came from there and said morale is very, very bad. That's what happens to a major computer company that ignores the Internet.
I could go back further but my short term contracts and freelance jobs aren't that interesting. I could reach back to the Going Postal Service but no one can relate to that except for the six or seven hundred thousand people who move the mail.
(BTW, I deleted the comment. If the person wants to sign a comment with both names they can use both of mine.)
Why do I continue to write about Widgets, a place I left almost a year ago?
1) I have many friends there, some of which I see or talk to on a regular basis. They tell me interesting things and sometimes I want to comment on those things. It's a free country...well, mostly...for now.
2) I am a major Widgets stockholder...well, a minor stockholder...okay, I've got a few shares so I'm interested in what happens there. Like, what's the mission of the company these days and how will it lead to growth of the value of my shares (which I think are actually worthless)? How are operations being aligned to more adequately handle the constant-urgent needs of the customers? Are employees being compensated fairly and motivated to increase their productivity through incentive schemes? Are they being trained to handle their current jobs and their next career opportunity?
3) I like writing about Widgets as a example of a workplace with great potential for good because of the quality of the people.
4) Some of the many Widgets expatriates read my blog for company news. I can't let those lucky folks down.
Note that I also write about Not Big Blue, my former workplace that completed yet another major round of layoffs this spring/summer. A new employee in my current group just came from there and said morale is very, very bad. That's what happens to a major computer company that ignores the Internet.
I could go back further but my short term contracts and freelance jobs aren't that interesting. I could reach back to the Going Postal Service but no one can relate to that except for the six or seven hundred thousand people who move the mail.
This is my favorite source of "Widget news", and I think there is absolutely nothing wrong with continuing to write about your experiences. If I had the time and skills I would blog more about my job change, but since I don’t I enjoy reading your observations here. I think what you wrote in this post about Widgets being a company with “great potential for good because of the quality of the people” is so true – I have really started to appreciate that since working elsewhere and not encountering the quality of fellow employees as I had at Widgets (of course there is also the pleasure of not being around the not-so-great employees). It is amazing that Widgets attracts and keeps so many skilled, quality employees – I would think the lack of parking and smelly bathrooms would drive them all away
I haven't been back here for awhile. I'm sorry the internet crazies are coming after you...but luckily it is the internet and you can say anything you damn well please. Keep up the good work.
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