Saturday, August 19, 2006

Still Alive

Me and the blog are still alive.

Where have I been? It's been a very busy summer between graduations, moving people, major construction, minor construction, soccer and more. There's just no time for blogging in that mix. Thanks to the folks that have asked why I never completed my big sumup entry and created the new blog.

I'm going to stick with this blog theme for two reasons. One, as I approach ten months at my new job I'm probably going to start looking for my next job at my company. Changing Jobs Again will still be appropriate.

Second, I'm embracing change as the only constant in a workplace. I've really learned a lot in my new job and I continue to learn. There's no plateau to relax on, just a long uphill walk. Notice I said a walk, not an insane run.

I'd also like to invite the other Widgets expatriates to add their views on changing jobs from IB to somewhere else. I can paraphrase your stuff or give you rights to log in and blog under any name you choose.

So what's happened this summer?

-- My daughter was hired as a intern after I asked if she could shadow someone for a day. She learned a tremendous amount, got great job experience and a reference, and they paid her a decent wage.

-- I was assigned to my first high-profile project and things didn't go as expected. More on that later.

-- My first major project is closing in on it's release date but the testing will go to the very last minute. While that's scary (we could find something at the last minute that would mean fixes and delays), we did test the hell out of this software so I'm not too worried.

-- My group had a fun afternoon outing at Cedar Lake Farm. I mainly did horseshoes and some boat riding but the highlight of the day for everyone was the water ballon fights.

-- I did not have an exciting vacation at an exotic place. Just some local camping and a nice trip to Madtown. I will, however, easily burn all my vacation and personal holidays this year.

So you're caught up! I promise to keep on blogging. As always, please comment or email me your ideas and comments.


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