Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Commonly Asked Questions:

What are the people like where you work?

It really looks like a little city. There are all kinds of people of all adult ages. Okay, there are more people from India than you see walking down Lake Street but otherwise it's about the same.

People work at all kinds of jobs. There are lots of software developers, but there are also testers, librarians, attorneys, business representatives, etc.

Everyone dresses casually. Business casual is the most dressy in most of the building but you see suits on the upper floors where the corporate offices are. I haven't been in the manufacturing building or the system administration bunker.

Are Work Hours Flexible?

My manager asked me when I wanted to start and I said 8:30. Thinking back on it, I should have asked what the choices were. It looks like the core hours for most groups are 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. because before 9 there are streams (not rivers) of people going into work and after 3 people are streaming out. I can't tell you how hard it is to work at 3:30 when you can see people leaving in large numbers.

Do You Still Get Lost?

I really thought I had a method for finding any place in the building. When you get off the stairs or out of the elevator, you just find a number (like S654), figure out if you're on the right side of the building and then start walking and watching the numbers since you may be going in the wrong direction. Today I got completely lost trying to find a room on the fifth floor I was in last week. I intentionally got lost after the meeting so I could find myself (trust me, it makes sense). It turns out I was completely turned around. Oh well.

Dumb Employee ID

I work in a secure building. You have to show your company picture ID to get in and you're supposed to wear it at all times, even though there's no security inside the building (that I'm aware of). I wear the ID around my neck on the shoe-stringy thing they gave me. I know if I clip it to my belt I'll lose it and who knows how much that would cost.

Are the people fun?

I work with different kinds of people. The very nice, incredibly geeky, very smart people I work with on projects tell jokes that involve products or concepts that I usually don't understand. Right now I appreciate the effort but not the humor. The lead people in my group, who I seem to meet with all the time, are a lot of fun--we spend a lot of our meeting time joking with our manager who likes a goofy, loose atmosphere as long as things are getting done. I sit away from the group because there was no space there so I'm a bit isolated which is not great, but the distance allows me to do pretty much whatever I want during the day without any monitoring me.

What are the holiday party plans?

(I had to throw this in) There is a reception for everyone in the building at the beginning of December, our large organization is apparently having a party at a brewery a week later, and our smaller group is doing a potluck.

I've got soccer tonight so that's all for now.


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