Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Award Programs

The new award programs were announced at my job. There are three levels.

The first is (let's name it Olympic style) bronze. We've had this level for a while. Anyone can reward anyone else for something good they did, giving them a gift certificate-the kind that you can use in a lot of different places. It's not big dollars but it's a really nice thing to do. I've given one out to a tester that helped me and all the other testers to do a better job on a project.

The next level is silver. You get nominated for this, your accomplishment getting reviewed at a fairly high level in our technology organization. The reward is big, we're talking thousands of dollars. The idea is that a lot of these will be given away, not one. Sure cash gets taxed but it's still enough money to pay off some bills or take a short trip.

I don't know how many gold awards they will give away but it's major dollars. This probably has to go to the VP level but it's enough for a real vacation.

We still have the recognition cards that you give to someone when they help you out. There's no money right away but every six months there's a drawing for a gift certificate from the pool of people that gave cards and one from the card recipients.

Also, every six months a number of people are recognized at the tech organization meeting. Anyone can send a nomination to an employee committee that reviews the nominations and chooses six or seven winners. There's usually a project team or two that wins.

Of course there are Happy Hours for software releases--if you can get the software released. I have one project that's had release delayed four times (for quality reasons) and we've about given up on that party. But I've got a release on Saturday!!! Party (I hope)!!!


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