Thursday, November 17, 2005

I had my first thoroughly enjoyable day. First, I had a half day class on the basics of the company's big online product. The teacher was an attorney (is an attorney the same as a lawyer?) who does legal education. She told us the history of the product, how to find and choose databases to search (there are more than 20,000 databases), and how to search them. As soon as I was knew how to do it, I did the legal equivalent of googling myself--I went to the case records database for my state and searched for my last name. All I saw was a bunch of cases concerning a big company run by people with the same last name. I have a lot more exploring of the product to do.

I need to squeeze into the upcoming Intermediate product class soon because I need to understand the features better, but for now I can get on there and play with my free account. (Lawyers pay big money for access.) I'm also signed up for an eight hour class on the US legal system and I'm waiting for the Legal 101 courses to start back up in January to do some basics. Meanwhile there's a class on estate planning (to try to understand what my mother is doing) coming up. I also have a tour of the data center (the above ground one, not the backup "bunker") and a tour of the printing plant coming up in early December.

I had lunch with a guy who was my manager for a while at Not Big Blue. He's a very nice guy and I enjoyed talking with him He had four jobs during the six years I was at Widgets and he's only a contractor at Laws R Us. Tech writing is a very tough field to stay employed in--I'm glad I left that behind. Writing is not valued in technical organizations but they employ most of the tech writers and the pay scale is higher for writers at tech companies than in most companies.

I had a couple of meetings in the afternoon with people who are on the S*** project. The first was with a guy who is invited to all the meetings but never shows up. He was a great guy and recognized that he had stayed away too long. We came up with a plan for estimating system capacity which consisted of me calling a meeting so he could ask a lot of questions and figure it out. Perfect.

Then I met with my favorite developer, who showed me a software architecture map she had created. It was exactly what I needed to move the testing discussion forward. We talked about kids and holiday for a while and then it was 4:15--time to go home!

Great day.


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