Wednesday, November 16, 2005

It's late. Not a great soccer game but I still had fun. Next week is the traditional late game on the night before Thanksgiving that no one wants to play in. I'll be there.

I made a lot of progress at my job in the last two days. We actually had a very good discussion about software architecture in my S*** project meeting and I was able to draw that out and get it reviewed. I also got off my butt and started asking people if I could stop by their area and talk about what they do and how it fits in with what I do. I told my manager I had too much slack and we agreed that I should add a third project.

The developers told me today that they now have a planning meeting at the same time as my quality meeting. I had that damn meeting scheduled, including room and speaker phone scheduling, until March. ARGGGGGG. It'll take me two hours to reschedule.

I haven't heard any ideas for Widgets stockholder resolutions. I'm considering 1) they hire someone to actually clean the building and 2) that all "profit" from the Olympics be split among ALL the employees. I guess the second one is better, huh? I know you Widgeteers are too busy working (even as we speak) to come up with ideas or even read the blog but I'll be here waiting when you get a minute.

I blew all my blogging time on AIM. Sorry. Tomorrow I have my first class, lunch with my exmanager (that I liked) and some time with individuals. Should be fun.


Blogger sadboy001 said...

If I had to choose, I'd go with number two, but number one is a good one. I think its been four or five years since someone actually cleaned the place regularly. I wonder if someone waters the plants.

Suggestions... hm.. flat screen monitors for everyone? No... An operations manager? Regular company news emails like the old days (named after that claymation character)... hm...

If I recall correctly, it's a bad sign when the CFO starts turning lights off at night. I hope its just because he's a stickler for that sort of thing. I tend to leave them on in the building because I'm afraid I'll trip over something and crack my head open on a desk.

5:54 AM  
Blogger usedtobewitty said...

"Blew all your blog time on AIM," huh. I hope it was worth it. ;)

I skimmed the link to the excerpt from the project management book--very interesting, yet depressing at the same time. It's depressing because it makes it even more painfully obvious how ridiculous things are at Widgets. :( Somebody important at Widgets really needs to read the "Things happen when you say no" section.

9:00 PM  
Blogger sadboy001 said...

Ok, now I really have to read that. I've had a browser open to that article for days.

2:46 AM  

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