Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Just to prove I'm not part of the conspiracy against Chrismas, here's a Merry Christmas for all you that celebrated it (sorry I'm late), and a Happy Hanukah, Joyous Kwanzaa, Cool Dwahili, etc.

I'm on vacation and will resume bloggging on January 3 when I return for a new year of work.

BTW, it's strange to go from Minnesota to Arizona. I don't think I could get used to living in the desert but it's in the middle 70's and quite nice. We hiked up Camelback Mountain, which is right in the city, and that was rigourous and really, really dry. When you get near the top you can see all the golf courses irrigated with the precious groundwater or the water diverted from further north. Sedona tomorrow.

Have a good week.


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